KTU B.Tech 2019 Scheme Curriculum and List of Subjects to study

 Structure of B.Tech. Program

  • The duration of the B.Tech. Program shall be 4 years (8 semesters) 
  • The maximum duration shall be six academic years spanning 12 semesters
  • Every academic year shall have two semesters “1st July to 31st December (Odd semester)” and “1st January to 30th June (Even semester)”
  • Each semester shall have minimum of 72 working days
  • Every branch of the B.Tech Program shall have a curriculum and syllabi for the courses approved by the Academic Council
  • Syllabus for any course shall be normally modified / updated once in four years
  • Innovative elective courses can be included as and when required, on the recommendations of the respective Board of Studies and subject to the approval of the Academic Council
  • The academic programs of the University follow the credit system
  • The general pattern is as below: 
            1 Hr. Lecture (L) per week                 -    1 credit 

            1 Hr. Tutorial (T) per week                 -    1 credit 

            1 to 2 Hours Practical(P) per week     -    1 credit 

            3 to 4 Hours Practical(P) per week     -    2 credit 

  • The curriculum of any branch of the B.Tech. Program shall have a total of 160 academic credits and 2 additional pass/fail credits

  • Credit per semester shall not be less than 15 or greater than 25 and cumulative credits shall not be less than 162

  • All examinations, project/seminar reports and presentations shall be in English

  • There shall be End Semester Examinations (ESE) in every semester for all courses as prescribed under the respective curriculum

  • The End Semester Examinations shall be conducted by the University

  • Semester classes shall be completed at least ten days before the commencement of the End Semester Examination

  • The End Semester Examinations (ESE) shall be held twice in a year – May/June session (for even semesters) and November/December session (for odd semesters). However, the End Semester Examinations of the VII and VIII Semesters shall be conducted in both the sessions

  • Candidates in each semester shall be evaluated both by Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) and End Semester Examinations (ESE)

  • Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE)): The Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be on the basis of the day-to-day work, periodic tests (minimum two in a semester) and assignments (minimum two). The faculty member (s) concerned shall carry out the Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) for the course allotted to him/her

  • Students, who have completed a course but could not write the end semester examination, shall be awarded “I’ Grade. They shall register (exam registration) and appear for the end semester examination at the next opportunity and earn the credits without having to register (course registration) for the course again

  • The minimum attendance for appearing for the End Semester Examination is 75% in each course. Students who do not meet these eligibility criteria are awarded an FE grade

  • A student who does not register for all the courses listed in the curriculum for a semester shall not be eligible to enroll for the next higher semester

  • A student will be eligible for the award of B. Tech. Degree of the University on satisfying the following requirements: 

                    1. Fulfilled all the curriculum requirements within the stipulated duration of the course. 

                    2. Earned the required minimum credits as specified in the curriculum for the branch of study. 

                    3. No pending disciplinary action.  

  • Minimum pass for a course shall be 40% for the End Semester Examination and 50% of CIE and ESA put together

  • Students who received F grade in an End Semester Examination shall have to appear for the End Semester Examination at the next opportunity and earn the credits

  • There is no provision for improving the grade

  • the student is permitted to check the answer books of the End Semester Examination after the results are declared, on payment of the prescribed fee. Any discrepancy in evaluation could be brought to the notice of the Controller of Examination, who shall initiate appropriate action as per the University Examination Manual
  • The students can apply for revaluation of the answer books of the end semester examination after the results are declared. The final mark awarded will be the better of the two marks. If the difference in marks obtained in revaluation and the original valuation is more than 15% of the maximum marks, it shall be sent for third valuation. The final mark shall then be the average of the closer of the two marks obtained in the three valuations to the advantage of the student or the mark obtained in the original valuation whichever is higher
  • Grade cards shall be made available in the student login for the registered courses, in every semester. On earning the required credits for the degree, the University will issue the final consolidated grade sheet for the B. Tech program including CGPA.
Year Out Criteria
  • only 2 level filtration or year outs for a batch under B.Tech.
  • First Year out will be in the 5th Semester (3rd year) – 26 Credits From (S1,S2)
  • The second Year Back will be in 7th Semester (4th Year) – 52 Credits From (S1,S2,S3,S4)
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B.Tech 2019 Scheme Curriculum

Every students who are studying and just joined or planning to join under KTU for B.Tech Programme should know all details about the B.Tech Curriculum... Currently 2019 Scheme of study is running for the B.Tech Programme.  Every paper to study in each semester of the B.Tech programme are termed as Course...

Every course of B. Tech. Programme shall be placed in one of the nine categories

No semester shall have more than five lecture-based courses and two laboratory and/or drawing/seminar/project courses in the curriculum 

 Semester-wise credit distribution

Basic Science Courses: Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology for Engineers, Life Science etc 

Engineering Science Courses: Engineering Graphics, Programming in C, Basics of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Basics of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Design Engineering, Materials Engineering, Workshops etc. 

Humanities and Social Sciences including Management courses: English, Humanities, Professional Ethics, Management, Finance & Accounting, Life Skills, Professional Communication, Economics etc 

Mandatory Non-credit Courses: Environmental Science, Constitution of India/Essence of Indian Knowledge Tradition, Industrial Safety Engineering, Disaster Management etc. 

Course Code and Course Number

 Each course is denoted by a unique code consisting of three alphabets followed by three numerals like CSL 201. The first two letter code refers to the department offering the course. CS stands for course in Computer Science & Engineering, course code MA refers to a course in Mathematics, course code ES refers to a course in Engineering Science etc. Third letter stands for the nature of the course as indicated in the following table

In the 3 digit course number First Digit represents the Academic Year (1, 2, 3 or 4) in which the particular course is present.  From the other two digits, last digit identifies whether the course is offered normally in the odd (odd number), even (non-zero even number) or in both the semesters (zero) and the
middle number could be any digit.

List of subjects to study in First year is

  • Engineering Physics and Engineering Chemistry shall be offered in both semesters. Institutions can advise students belonging to about 50% of the number of branches in the Institution to opt for Engineering Physics  in S1 and Engineering Chemistry in S2 & vice versa. Students opting for Engineering Physics  in a semester should attend Physics Lab in the same semester and students opting for Engineering Chemistry in one semester should attend Engineering Chemistry Lab in the same semester
  • Engineering Mechanics and Engineering Graphics shall be offered in both semesters. Institutions can advise students belonging to about 50% of the number of branches in the Institution to opt for Engineering Mechanics in S1 and Engineering Graphics in S2 & vice versa
  • Basics of Civil & Mechanical Engineering and Basics of Electrical & Electronics Engineering shall be offered in both semesters. Basics of Civil & Mechanical Engineering contain equal weightage for Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. Slot for the course is D with CIE marks of 25 each and ESE marks of 50 each. Students belonging to branches of AEI, EI, BME, ECE, EEE, ICE, CSE, IT, RA can choose this course in S1
  • LIFE SKILLS -  This course is designed to enhance the employability and maximize the potential of the students by introducing them to the principles that underlie personal and professional success, and help them acquire the skills needed to apply these principles in their lives and careers. 
  • PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION -  to develop in the under-graduate students of engineering a level of competence in English required for independent and effective communication for their professional needs. 

 Engineering Minors allow a student to gain interdisciplinary experience and exposure to concepts and perspectives that may not be a part of their major degree programs.. To know more details about the B.Tech Minors and the list of courses to be selected, Click Here.


 Honors is intended for a student to gain expertise/get specialized in an area inside his/her major B.Tech discipline and to enrich knowledge in emerging/advanced areas in the concerned branch of engineering. It is particularly suited for students aiming to pursue higher studies. Upon completion of Honors, a student will be better equipped to perform research in her/his branch of engineering.


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