KTU CS301 Theory of Computation Notes


Quick Revision notes on KTU CS301 Theory of Computation (TOC) are available....



Quick Revision Notes

Module 1 Introduction to Automata Theory and its significance. Type 3 Formalism: Finite state automata – Properties of transition functions, Designing finite automata, NFA, Finite Automata with Epsilon Transitions, Equivalence of NFA and DFA, Conversion of NFA to DFA, Equivalence and Conversion of NFA with and without Epsilon Transitions. Click Here
Module 2 Myhill-Nerode Theorem, Minimal State FA Computation. Finite State Machines with Output- Mealy and Moore machine (Design Only), Two- Way Finite Automata. Regular Grammar, Regular Expressions, Equivalence of regular expressions and NFA with epsilon transitions. Converting Regular Expressions to NFA with epsilon transitions Equivalence of DFA and regular expressions, converting DFA to Regular Expressions. Click Here
Module 3 Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages, Applications of Pumping Lemma. Closure Properties of Regular sets (Proofs not required), Decision Problems related with Type 3 Formalism Type 2 Formalism:- Context-Free Languages (CFL), Context-Free Grammar (CFG), Derivation trees, Ambiguity, Simplification of CFG, Chomsky Normal Form, Greibach normal forms Click Here
Module 4 Non-Deterministic Pushdown Automata (NPDA), design. Equivalence of acceptance by final state and empty stack in PDA. Equivalence between NPDA and CFG, Deterministic Push Down Automata, Closure properties of CFLs (Proof not required), Decision Problems related with Type 2 Formalism Click Here
Module 5 Pumping Lemma for CFLs, Applications of Pumping Lemma. Type 1 Formalism: Context-sensitive Grammar. Linear Bounded Automata (Design not required) Type 0 Formalism: Turing Machine (TM) – Basics and formal definition, TMs as language acceptors, TMs as Transducers, Designing Turing Machines. Click Here
Module 6 Variants of TMs -Universal Turing Machine, Multi- tape TMs, Non Deterministic TMs, Enumeration Machine (Equivalence not required), Recursively Enumerable Languages, Recursive languages, Properties of Recursively Enumerable Languages and Recursive Languages, Decidability and Halting Problem. Chomsky Hierarchy Click Here


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